Thursday, November 21, 2013

A quick follow up

    Just a few hours after writing and posting about our experience with Zach and bullying, it dawned on me that this could be a teachable moment for him. He just so happened to come downstairs and I asked him if he had been praying at night. He answered that he had, I asked him if he had been praying for the kids who were picking on him and he said yes he had, he doesn't know what is going on in their lives to make them feel the need to act out but it must not be very good or they wouldn't be acting that way. Now I wonder who was teaching who? Not once in all of this did I pray for the kids, nor did I pray for the adults to understand where we were coming from in all of this. I have been humbled. I would love to say that I did that, that I instilled that into my son but that compassion and innate understanding that these are the actions of hurt people, that does not come from me. God did that. I give all the glory to Him.

1 comment:

  1. There are lessons He has for us in ALL life circumstances. We must turn off our brains and computers, and just be with Him. What a great lesson! Because when we pray for our enemies, and we like Him, and He is love...nothing else but pure love. When we are love we cannot hate.

    I hope things are much better for Zach.
